Radioactivity, fission and fusion
2024-04-12 12:52 Radioactivity is about certain elements – or variants of them – in course of time decaying.  Most such which has been found have never been observed to decay.  A smaller fraction has and then emit ionising radiation.
The problems with UFO reports
2024-03-06 12:37 UFO was originally acronym for unidentified flying object.  Unfortunately, there are a lot believing everything which is unidentified have to be made by aliens.  The result is there now being “ufologists” defending this wrongful idea.
What is emergence?
2024-01-25 10:55 Emergence is when a phenomenon arises by itself.  This is about interactions between the different parts of the phenomenon and the surrounding environment.  As such there is no intention behind as some presupposes.
Ideas not part of evolution theory
2023-11-29 11:11 Creationists think all science contradicting their own ideas belong to the same unified system of thought.  That unified system is imagined as constructed to allow life to change over time.
On space and telescopes
2023-11-01 12:23 Most flat-earthers claim that space don’t exist.  Oftentimes this is about a misunderstanding of the concept of vacuum.  The “vacuum” people are familiar with from contact with everyday objects is actually an under-pressure.
Consequences of the Earth’s motions
2023-10-27 11:07 Regardless if they are flat-earthers or not some denies that the Earth moves.  The argument is we would feel it.  The problem with this argument is we don’t feel movement in and of itself.
Flying with gravity
2023-10-25 11:09 Flat-earthers usually claim that gravity does not exist.  It is claimed to be incompatible with how things fly.  If gravity makes things fall down everything is supposed to always fall down.
What you can in fact see in the sky
2023-10-17 11:09 Flat-earthers show great ignorance about the movements of celestial bodies.  It is bad enough to believe that perspective could explain the sun rising and setting.
How far can you see?
2023-10-11 10:36 Flat-earthers like to argue that one can see things further away than one would on a round Earth.  The problem is usually faulty calculations of what one would be able to see.