A transperson is someone who identify with a different gender than the person is born with.  This is not about individuals arbitrarily claiming to be something else.  Instead, this is about individuals in fact feeling like something else than their genitals indicated at birth.  Please note this is only about gender.  This is as such not about age, species or whatever one imagines.

It is estimated 3 – 4 percent of the population are transpeople.  I think most of them feel like the opposite gender.  If so, there is a smaller fraction which can be called non-binaries.  They may feel genderless or like both genders at the same time.  There are even individuals feeling like different genders at different times.  However, one can’t know which gender the person feels like at the moment.  At least not unless the person tells it.  So I place them in the same category as those which feel like both.

Unfortunately, there are a mix-up between anti-stereotypical behaviour, homosexuality and transsexualism.  I would want to claim they are entirely different characteristics.  Anti-stereotypical behaviour might be more common among homo- and bisexuals.  But then I think this is because they have easier to accept it.  Transsexualism is not about external behaviour but what one feels like.  Like homo- and bisexuality I think transsexualism is inborn.  In contrast external behaviour can to some extent change over time.  However, this should probably not be overestimated.  That easily leads to demands on others to change their behaviour more than they are capable of.

Which ones someone is sexually attracted to varies between different transpeople.  To also include non-binaries, I have made the following divisions:

The androphilic are sexually attracted only to men.

The gynophilic are sexually attracted only to women.

The pansexual are sexually attracted to both.

I don’t know at all how common the different sexualities are.  There are also some transpeople which have no sexual desire at all.  But I consider this a handicap rather than a sexual orientation.  This because the person lacks something which normally consist part of human nature.  Then I mean sexuality on the whole and not specifically heterosexuality.

I would think most transpeople feel the best being accepted as what they feel like.  Unfortunately, there are also those which were fooled to believe their lives would be so much easier if they had the opposite gender.  This is then about individuals with considerable mental problems.  We have to find a way to differentiate such from real transwomen and transmen.  In other words, people really feeling like they are of the opposite gender.  Otherwise, people get medical treatments which they have no benefits from.

In addition, 0,5 percent are born with ambiguous genitals.  These are born with an anatomy somewhere between male and female.  Some of them are non-binary however, I don’t think everyone is.  Some can very well identify as either men or women.  But this is impossible to know before they are at least 4 – 5 years.  In the Western world it is the most common people try to make them into women with mixed results.

Naturally I don’t deny there are two sexes.  Purely reproductively it is of cause that way.  This does not mean every single life-form can be classified as either male or female.  Much less every single human having to behave gender-stereotypically.  (I often don’t but this does not make me less of a woman.)  What is considered “masculine” or “feminine” varies in part between different societies too.  To me the concepts of “masculine” and “feminine” are only a matter of correlation.  There are a 96% correlation between biological sex and self-identification.  So if nothing else is communicated I presuppose they correspond.


Uploaded on the 9th of December 2023.