Far too much reasoning presupposes every single member of a group to in principle function in the same way.  There are no mechanisms for making people that mentally similar.  Human minds don’t replicate!  You probably know everyone within your circle of acquaintances to have different personalities.  Why would this apply only to your circle of acquaintances and not to all others?  To believe this not to apply to strangers I see as severely egotistic.

What one has to understand in this context is that things can have more than one cause.  Our personalities are as such not only due to a single cause.  It can therefore not be explained only by environmental factors.  Neither is it entirely biologically determined.  The human genome contains 750 megabytes of data.  This is far too little to describe the human brain.  (Besides, this information is needed to build the entire body.)  Much can be explained by interactions between our different cells.  However, there are still limits to how much can be biologically determined.  I think this is often about the ability to learn a type of skill and not the skill itself.  This explains why neglected children usually become maladjusted adults.  They have not got enough training in what they need to learn.

Apart from identical twins, triplets and so on all humans are genetically unique.  Usually, people don’t share more than about half their genes with others.  This is the difference between full siblings or between parents and children.  I think half-siblings share one third of their genes with each other.  Then the genetic similarity decreases by half for each degree of relationship.  Moreover, hereditary characteristics are often caused by a combination of genes.  This combination is not inherited together, or it is very unlikely it would do so.

Personal experience only increases the differences between people’s mental characteristics.  No two people have exactly the same experience.  Not only where one lives matter but also random chance.  Someone could by chance experience something which someone else does not.  In contrast I think parenting is overrated in this context.  Of cause parents can harm their children.  However, I think it then requires things we are not biologically adopted to handle without problems.  Some are more sensitive than others too, but that is another story.

The result is it being impossible to get exactly everyone in a group to agree on something.  Human minds vary too much for this to be possible.  Ordering and bribing may be simple ways to advance a movie plot.  In reality it does not work that way.  People doing as they are told are more an exception than a rule.  There are loads of people too, which don’t take part in being bribed.  As it is today I think unbribability is particularly common in large parts of the Western World.

If everyone in a group earns from acting in a certain way?  For sure there are those saying that self-interest does not lie.  This can be misinterpreted as people in general being willing to do anything for something.  First, there are severe misconceptions about what other people earn from.  Second, people vary in how far they are willing to go for they own interest.  There are so many more motivations than own personal benefit.  Finally, there are individuals which habitually act against their own best.  Their goals are entirely legitimate.  However, they will never reach them by the methods they use.


Uploaded on the 13th of November 2023.