Blogposts 2023
Blogposts 2024
Blogposts 2025
Behavioural Science
The discontinued maturation of the lower classes
2023-06-13 13:27
Have you thought about why very small children put everything in their mouths? It is not because they think everything can be eaten. Instead, it is an instinct to teach them the properties of objects as fast as possible.
Why ill will is a myth
2023-04-14 13:13
I don’t think ill will exist because I can’t see it filling any evolutionary function. So why would humanity have it to a lager or lesser degree? Egoism, anger and revenge fills evolutionary functions.
In defence of migrationism
2023-03-24 11:41
This is not about promoting migration. Instead, this is about migration as explanation for the spread of agriculture. Historically this idea has been associated with racism.
Which differences there are evidence for
2023-03-22 13:55
I have previously pointed out that human nature is the same everywhere. This of cause does not mean we have not evolved at all. Naturally there are differences in physical characteristics between different parts of the world.
Human nature changes too slowly
2023-03-22 13:36
What you need to know about human evolution is how long generation time we have. Genetic scientists count 25 years as a human generation. This is the average difference in age between parents and children over many societies.
The demands of the original human society
2023-02-16 16:55
It is problematic to think physical strength was crucial to human survival. If the original condition demanded this, how could we succeed the Neandertals? They had markedly larger muscles than we.
The myth of the predator threat
2023-02-07 13:17
Many people imagine “cavemen” as if they lived mostly from meat. At the same time, they are supposed to have lived under constant threat from predators. The combination of these conditions is in fact anachronistic.