Unwarranted assumptions of sameness
2023-09-16 16:29 The ideas listed below have actually been used as arguments for Creationism, particularly Young Earth Creationism.  The trouble is they are formulated as if everyone’s mind could be presupposed to work essentially like one’s own.
The sameness myth
2023-09-14 11:25 When one’s own mental characteristics are as treated as universal.  Everyone can occasionally commit this error.  When I once did this error and got it pointed out to me, I accepted my error it immediately.
People appearing as live anachronisms
2023-09-13 12:07 What I am talking about are Christian Fundamentalists, particularly in the US.  These are expressing views of and attitudes towards their fellow beings so outdated, their newest ideas seem to be 19th century.
Progress is possible
2023-07-14 13:09 The countries I see as Western are mostly found in Europe.
How things got worse for some during industrialisation
2023-07-07 12:54 I have previously explained the upbringing conditions applying to many agrarian state societies.  One would think it got better when the Western world started to industrialize.  Certainly, the average started to rise.
Seeds of progress
2023-07-05 13:05 Apart from its peninsula and island rich coast Europe also has an unusually fractured terrain.  This makes it virtually impossible to politically unify this part of the world.
Rare exceptions
2023-06-16 12:39 Not all agrarian state societies only had home-schooling and monastic orders.  Some had education of groups which did not just consist of siblings.
The unawareness of the upper class
2023-06-15 12:34 Ancient ideas of what is best for everyone have often been thought out by people in positions of power.  These did not have to use their children as manpower from a far too early age.
On monks and nuns
2023-06-14 11:32 Several myths on our evil nature has been thought out by monks and nuns.  Not only Christian monks and nuns but also Buddhist ones.  In the case of both religions, it was largely monks which have come up with these ideas.
Why I don’t believe in “ancient wisdom”
2023-06-12 13:04 People older than us of cause have more social experience.  Some seem to extrapolate this long beyond a human lifetime.  It is like they believed people living hundreds of years ago had hundreds of years of life experience.