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Behavioural Science
On wolves and dogs
2025-01-17 17:05
Many people have misunderstood how grey wolves are and look. Apart from the myth of the predator threat they are imagined as monstrous. People think they are much larger than average humans.
On mythological figures
2024-12-21 14:21
I just want to remind about me being a non-believer. This does not mean I am hostile to religion. If God exist or not each may decide for him- or herself. In contrast I deny the existence of divine intervention.
What global warming means
2024-05-22 13:19
Climate change means a shifting in statistical averages. In the case of global warming this means a shift to the warmer. Mostly this affects areas situated closer to the poles.
The limits of human memory
2024-03-01 12:48
A great deal on people seem to believe their memory to be perfect. The trouble is human memory is part of human nature. Processes taking place naturally can’t create anything perfect.
Change does not have to be bad
2024-02-27 13:21
Some seem to have trouble grasping that enemies can be imaginary. I primarily think about individuals believing loads of others to be out to them. Once it might have been normal to believe that very many of one’s fellow beings are evil.
Is anything at all self-evident?
2024-02-26 10:58
Some individuals may claim the existence of God to be self-evident. Trouble is I have seen philosophers in the last couple of centuries treat the most absurd ideas as objectively true.
On the absence of religion
2024-02-23 16:54
Non-believers are people which don’t worship anything. Usually, the have insufficient natural talent for religious belief. People inevitably vary in their inborn capacity for religiosity.
What I think about the Bible
2024-02-14 13:02
I don’t think the Bible was ever intended to be taken literally. The idea was conceived after the breakthrough of the printing press in a doomed attempt to coordinate readings.
The difference between biology and reactionism
2024-01-30 12:19
Biological explanations for human behaviour can be mistaken for reactionism. Oftentimes this is based on misconceptions of what modern brain science tells. Maybe the worst misconception is accusation of determinism.
The moralising mind-trap
2024-01-23 12:33
This error is about constantly mixing up is and ought. If someone says it is in a certain way the person is supposed to mean people ought to do something too. Someone disliking the imagined ought, denies that it is so.