The differences between wild and cultivated plants
2025-02-12 12:37 Plants we grow to eat have not arisen completely naturally.  Instead they have been bred over thousands of years.  Shrubs and trees with nuts have been bred for larger seeds.
Only some animals are suitable for domestication
2025-01-28 19:57 There are dozens of large mammals which are herbivores or omnivores.  However, there are only 15 suitable to domesticate.  Some are too picky eaters.  Others grow too slowly, are too aggressive or to easily frightened.
On the origin of the cat
2025-01-22 13:46 I have read of people thinking the cats we have as pets would descend from large felids.  Or at least be closely related to them.  People might not know that smaller felids exist.
On wolves and dogs
2025-01-17 17:05 Many people have misunderstood how grey wolves are and look.  Apart from the myth of the predator threat they are imagined as monstrous.  People think they are much larger than average humans.
How demographics works
2024-12-12 15:58 Demographics is about the size of a population and how it is composed.
How technological progress works
2024-11-25 13:55 There is a mix-up between brain capacity and which technology people use.  On one hand simple technology is equalled to people would have been stupid.  On the other hand it is claimed we should have developed high technology very long ago.
On nationalistic archaeology denial
2024-11-02 19:53 One expression of misplaced nationalism is claiming all they can come up with would come from their own country.  Or at least the country which they see as precursor.
The origin of human language
2024-09-29 15:54 Some imagine “cavemen” with a very limited language.  If they talk at all people imagine pidgin.  The present-day human species have never talked like that when people spoke their mother tongue.
The origin of humanity
2024-09-27 14:40 I know people don’t like being grouped with monkeys.  However, purely biologically we are.  Our genus (Homo) have only had one species (Homo sapiens) since at least the end of the last ice age.
Famous prehistoric mammals
2024-09-09 13:04 After the Cretaceous–Paleogene mass-extinction it took 15 million years for the world to recover.  Mammals and birds then evolved to take over the role of the dinosaurs.  Towards the end whales arose too take over after the plesiosaurs.