What is radiation?
2024-04-10 12:06 A great deal seem to believe everything called “radiation” to be dangerous.  I think it is because the ionising was first payed attention to as such.  Which has then been overgeneralised to apply to all radiation.
Absolute dating
2024-04-05 16:16 Oftentimes we can know how old something is.  Not just though written history as some have gotten stuck into.  It is entirely possible to find out the age of things with natural scientific methods too.
Orders of magnitude matters
2024-03-21 12:39 It is important to keep track of which order of magnitude something has.  Otherwise one’s concepts of nature risk becoming far too erroneous.  Which in turn creates needless fear.
The limits of oral tradition
2024-03-13 13:18 Among pseudohistorians there is an overconfidence in oral traditions.  Detailed knowledge of the past is believed to be passed on for millennia.  To me this appears preposterous.
On digital images
2024-03-07 12:55 Non-believers are people which don’t worship anything.  Usually, the have insufficient natural talent for religious belief.  People inevitably vary in their inborn capacity for religiosity.