What I think about the Bible
2024-02-14 13:02 I don’t think the Bible was ever intended to be taken literally.  The idea was conceived after the breakthrough of the printing press in a doomed attempt to coordinate readings.
The mix-up between Muslims and Arabs
2024-02-07 14:03 Severe ignorance on geography leads to equally severe prejudice.  Someone can lump together groups which in real life are bitter enemies.  One example is North Africa, West Asia, Central Asia and western South Asia.
Men who fear women
2024-02-01 13:00 Two characteristics of female reproduction have particular significance for sexuality.  First, girls can get pregnant from two weeks before menarche.  This happens on average as early as the age of 12.
The difference between biology and reactionism
2024-01-30 12:19 Biological explanations for human behaviour can be mistaken for reactionism.  Oftentimes this is based on misconceptions of what modern brain science tells.  Maybe the worst misconception is accusation of determinism.
What evolution theory actually tell
2024-01-29 12:06 Evolution theory is such as misunderstood concept.  Apart from mixing up is and ought, many get stuck up over animals.  In fact evolution theory can be applied to everything which reproduces.