Experiences they could not have made
2023-09-20 10:43 It has been pointed out that different countries have different cultural heritages.  This can explain Christian Fundamentalists condemning the inevitable.
Why treat sexuality as an evil option?
2023-09-18 10:51 Christian Fundamentalists have a tendency to label normal human sex drive evil.  I think this idea was originally made up by individuals seeing no possibility of ever getting sex themselves.
Unwarranted assumptions of sameness
2023-09-16 16:29 The ideas listed below have actually been used as arguments for Creationism, particularly Young Earth Creationism.  The trouble is they are formulated as if everyone’s mind could be presupposed to work essentially like one’s own.
The sameness myth
2023-09-14 11:25 When one’s own mental characteristics are as treated as universal.  Everyone can occasionally commit this error.  When I once did this error and got it pointed out to me, I accepted my error it immediately.
People appearing as live anachronisms
2023-09-13 12:07 What I am talking about are Christian Fundamentalists, particularly in the US.  These are expressing views of and attitudes towards their fellow beings so outdated, their newest ideas seem to be 19th century.